Saturday, April 25, 2009

Love Flowers & Red Rose

Flowers have been used for centuries to display a mans love for a woman. It all began with the humble red rose- the redder the rose, the more a man was supposed to love a woman. Today, however, giving flowers to people has gone a long way from merely sitting in a vase near grandpas bed in the hospital.

Flowers say a lot, in fact they have their own language. There is supposed to be a message attached to each flower. For example while red roses speak about love, yellow roses are a sign of friendship. Lilies and carnations have their own romantic glow, while daisies are again supposed to be flowers that bring cheer to friends. In this expensive world, it may not be possible for each of us to have our own little patch of earth, in which flowers grow. If there is an occasion to celebrate, we now have our florists, local supermarkets and online shops to turn to. Flowers are now considered a good business to be in, which bring in quite a few returns. Nowadays, not only is it possible to have the flowers of your choice gift wrapped, with a card attached, but the moment can be made even more special through home or office delivery. If you cannot make it for a friends party, or some other occasion, a bunch of bright beautiful flowers will more than simply make up for it.

Red roses however, have lived on for centuries and one can only see their aromatic presence playing a role in love for generations hereafter. Will any other flower ever displace the rose? Not likely at all. But whatever be the flower of love, their role in relationships of all kinds is only growing day by day. Need some friendship quotes to deliver with flowers and to make it special?

If you look at the history, flowers have played a vital role on all occasions whether its somebody birthday, marriage or any function in the house. A bunch of flowers has always proved to be the best gift ever to be given to anyone of all ages. Red rose carries a special importance though apart from other flowers. Lovely fresh beautiful roses is the best way to end enemies between two persons. Flowers are actually a symbol of friendship which not only brings two people close to each other but also makes their relationship the best and very strong. Few years back there has been a trend to keep red roses in books as a mark of love and expression of feelings. And after some years that particular rose carries a lot of meaning and closeness for that person.

Red Rose as the name speaks a lot many things is the most likely gift which is accepted world wide. no matter what the boundaries are, no matter how big enemies you have, a red rose brings smile on the face of everyone. There is also a particular season of red roses depending upon the country to country. In India, months of November, December, January and February are the best season of love and red roses in which there are always love, friendship and romance in the air everywhere.

By: Shweeta Bhandari

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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Lilly Flower

Lilly flower is more diverse in many ways compared to the rose. It comes in a variety of colors, shapes and sizes. You probably know the common Lilly which probably grows in your garden as a normal flower which is known as Lilly of the valley and is also known by the French as the Muguet.

Known as one of the beautiful flowers in the world the Lilly is not confined to one particular look it. This delicate looking white flower produces a sweet smell and blooms in the early months of spring. The flower also comes in different types such as the Calla Lilly which is said to be a fragrant flower.

The Lilly flower which also comes as the lotus water Lilly is usually pale pink in color unlike the original which has a yellow center to its petals and the outside of the petals which curve around the stamen of the flower is a royal purple color. There is also the white water Lilly flower which also grows in mud filled lakes and comes in a variety of different shades.

Lillies are usually used to create beautiful fragrant for perfumes as well as table decor. They are also used for funeral flower arrangements in fact the flower is usually symbolically linked with death and several different varieties of Lillies are used for this very reason. You can find Lillies in different colors such as soft butter yellow and a snow white color. The flower is very good for different arrangements and can be used to design different flower arrangements and is usually a very fragrant flower.

Peter Gitundu Researches And Reports On Flowers. For more information on lilly flower, Visit His Site At LILLY FLOWER. You Can Also Post Your Views About lilly flower On My Blog Here lilly flower

By Peter Gitundu

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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Various Names of Spring Flowers

Names of spring flowers are as varied as the many species available, most stemming from Greek or Latin. Following is partial list of some spring flower names and a bit of information on each species, listed in alphabetical order.

Ajuga is also referred to as carpet bugle and is a spring flower in the Lamiaceae family or mint family It is most commonly found in Asia, Africa and Europe with two varieties also found in Australia. Ajuga can be found in a variety of hues from yellow to blue and typically grow to about 50 cm tall.

A beautiful and unique spring flower takes the name Alchemilla also known as Ladys Mantle. It is a perennial plant in the Rosaceae genus with nearly 300 species available. The flowers bloom in late spring in clusters and can be bright green to a vivid chartreuse.

Alyssum is in the Brassicaceae family which also includes all varieties of mustard and cauliflower as well broccoli radishes and is a popular spring flowering plant that are simple to identify because all varieties have four petals and four sepals.

A spring flowering plant that is as pretty as its title is the sea pinks, whos botanical name is Armeria. This is a genus of approximately 50 varieties that are tufted perennials. They can be found in pink, red or white.

A well known spring flowering name is the lily of the valley but holds the botanical name of Convallaria and is a delicate bloom of small white flowers that bloom in early. Another well known spring flowering name is bleeding heart an ancient plant that takes its name from the resemblance its blooms have to a bleeding heart.

One plant that has many titles is the Epimedium. It is a spring flowering plant that can also be called the Bishops Hat, Fairy Wings, Horny Goat Weed or the Yin Yang Huo variety that is found in Asia.

A spring flowering plant that is a regal as its name denotes is the Yellow Arch Angle that produces lovely blooms in early spring. The Iris, another regal looking plant derives its title from the Greek word for rainbow and is available in about as many hues. A sweet flowering name for a spring blooming plant are those in the Iberis family of spring blooms.

As the name implies the Aspen Bluebells also know Mertensia, produce lovely blue, bell shaped blooms in spring and early summer. Jacobs Ladder flower in the spring and has the botanical name Polemonium and is a plant in the Polemoniaceae family of flowering plants.

A lot of names of spring flower are derived from either how the plant appears or what growing habits they exhibit. For example the Sanguinaria is also known as bloodroot and its stems appear red a to be full of blood or the Saxifraga, that takes its title from the Latin words for rock and break and are well known for their ability to take root and crack the rocks as they grow.

By Candis Reade

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Sunday, April 5, 2009

Annual Flowers

These are flowers, like the Poinsettia that only blooms during winter. Annual flowers are flowers that you can plant during all kinds of season or the kind that bloom during different seasons of the year. These kinds of flowers are good for planting in your back yard. The best however are the kinds that survive all year long and do not cost a bundle to maintain.

When choosing flowers for your garden it is best to choose flowers that you know when they will bloom. Annual flowers are always the best choice to plant in your back yard or garden. The flowers that grow in different seasons are the kind of flowers we can get annual.

Make your choice of annual flowers is important because if you choose poorly the flower will rot before you have a chance to plant it. There are three choices you can make when choosing annual flowers. You can either buy hardy annuals, half hardy annuals and tender annuals. The difference between the three is that they bloom during different types of weather and soil conditions.

The best kind of flowers to plant during winter is hardy annuals that flourish during the cold season like in December. These flowers are usually planted during the spring season or fall season when the weather is slightly cold. . Unlike other annuals these hardy annual flowers don't like hot weather as they are not heat tolerant. Some of the hardy flowers include foxglove, sweet alyssum, viola, calendula, cornflowers, pansy and many more. The half hardy annual flowers include snow-on -the-mountain, torenia, blue sage and several others.

Peter Gitundu Researches And Reports On Flowers. For More Information On annual flowers, Visit His Site At Annual Flowers. You Can Also Post Your Views About annual flowers On My Blog Here ANNUAL FLOWERS

By Peter Gitundu

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Friday, April 3, 2009

Types of Roses

The rose is an ancient symbol of love and beauty; many wonderful, beautiful rose types have been cultivated from travels around the world. Varieties have combined old and new, shrub and vine, and single and multi-colored selections.

Rose types are classified as perennials meaning that they flower in the spring or summer every year. They are well-known for their delicate texture and fragrant aroma, making them a favorite for many. Many varieties have developed over millennia to cope with different climates, now offering an abundance of choices.

Roses provide many different functions for landscape design including hedges, display and climbing features. Whether a garden is more sculpted and ordered or wild and free-flowing, they can add a powerful flair; as centerpieces to the arrangement.

Horticulturists have combined different varieties to add greater resistance to diseases and maladies. They have eight basic shapes and come in more than 100 different species.

Some types include old, modern, wild, climbing and ground cover. There are also various overlapping variations.

Old garden roses include Alba, Damask and Gallica, which tend to exhibit a powerful color and potent scent. They have been given classical names celebrating families, women and entire nations - Bourbons, Penelope and China.

Modern roses have been given interesting names like Dublin Boy, Floribunda, Little White Pet and Southampton. These varieties usually have a longer growing season, lasting from summer to autumn. Classifications for these roses are usually based on their flowering tendencies and habits; for example, the large-flowered shrub.

Wild roses include the Dog, Incense and Musk rose.

The Aloha, Altissimo, Danse de Feu and Bobbie James are all climbing roses. These variations are epeat-bloomers. Rambler roses are sometimes included with climbing roses, but differ in reaching larger sizes and are once-blooming.

Groundcover varieties have names like Broadlands, Ferdy and Grouse.

There are increasingly specialized roses cultivated for certain climates, such as, the Bermuda Mystery Roses, which are highly resistant to tropical fungal diseases and flourish in hot, humid climates.

Heights range from tiny to up to 60 feet tall! Many beautiful colors are available including purple, yellow and red; color combinations are also available.

Some types have hardiness ratings based on how the roses handle different climates. They are oftentimes crushed and distilled into perfumes. Roses are high in Vitamin C.

Pruning is a detailed skill. Pruning should be done at the proper time for the specific variety. Generally, old growth should be pruned away to provide space for new blooms. One-year-old canes should not be pruned, because doing so will remove future buds. Deal quickly with problems, such as, powdery mildew and aphids.

For best results, choose more healthy rose varieties to get the best growing results. Select roses based on your need, matching the rose variety to your garden.

By Gary Pearson

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Monday, March 30, 2009

Flowers And Weddings

It is an unwritten law that you cannot get married without flowers. Flowers are the essence of a beautiful wedding day celebration. Flowers are a three dimensional element of your decorating strategy. Because they are beautiful, elegant, and provide a wonderful scent, flowers satisfy all senses. The flowers you select should compliment everything else in your wedding. Its colors should complement not just your dress. The colors of your flowers work with the colors of the d?cor of your reception site and the ceremony location.

Unless you are lucky enough to be a florist, youll need to hire one. The florist should be experienced with wedding arrangements, and youll be hard pressed to find one that isnt. Make sure your florist is able to deliver, install, and remove the arrangements at the end of your event. Even though many reception halls can recommend a florist to you, you should do your homework. Ask for references, and be sure to follow up. It may be tempting to hire a florist without check references, but it could also be irresponsible.

Your wedding flowers should complement the season, your wedding dress, and your color scheme. Your wedding flowers should also complement your attendants' attire, and the style of your wedding. Before you talk to your florist, prepare a list of wedding flowers you'll need. It will help focus your discussions, and help you stay within your wedding budget.

When you plan the flower arrangements with your florist, she should be able to recommend arrangements based on the size and location of your wedding. Ask to see photos of previous wedding arrangements - Dont accept generic photos of flower arrangements, insist on seeing the work of the florist.-, which will give you a feel for their creative qualities and what you can expect to see on your wedding day. It is even better if you arrive prepared with some pictures and magazine cut outs with your ideas. You dont have to take the florists advice on everything, be part of the decision making process. If you feel strongly about a certain flower or color, it should worth fighting for it. It is your wedding, and you are the customer. You have to feel good about your flower arrangements. Your day is about you.

By: George Meszaros

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types of red flowers

Forget red roses, red tropical flowers are the ultimate in romantic red-hued floral. While other flowers are lovely, a tropical bloom in a dramatic shade of red really makes more of an intense statement. Generic run-of-the-mill flowers are so ordinary.

Giving red tropical flowers as a gift to that special someone in your life is a great idea because it lets the recipient know you consider them unique and special. Regular roses dont say that. Roses speak of classicism and tradition, while exotic or tropical flowers express a one-of-a-kind love.

Red tropical flowers are anything but ordinary. They pack a powerful punch and really fill a room with exotic beauty. Because tropical flowers have a different aesthetic than classic roses or tulips, they are often used as focal point in decorating or event planning.

Using red tropical flowers is somewhat like using exclamation marks or strong flavors in food. A little goes a long way. If you are planning to use dramatic red beauties for your wedding decorations, you will likely want to hold back a little, because they make a strong statement. You could liken them to a bold accent, paired with other natural hues.

There are many red tropical flowers available. You will want to do your research and find the ones that suit your taste and style. As you browse the many varieties, you may want to take several under consideration. A few types of red tropical flowers include:

Red Hibiscus flowers are very large blooms up to about six inches wide. These are dramatic plants of a very deep, saturated color.
Indian Shot is a native American red exotic flower. This flower blooms natively from northern Argentina to the southern United States. These flowers are most popular in arrangements, but not by themselves.
Weeping Bottle Brush produces bright red flowers. This plant is native to eastern Australia. The very vibrant, bright red stamen enhances the beautifully exotic appearance.
Brazilian Red Cloak or Red Justicia is a very large tropical flower. It is a hardy flower that last upwards of a month.

There are many varieties from which to choose. The above sampling offers just a few to consider. It is interesting to note that tropical flowers are indigenous to various countries and continents. Tropical flowers are not just native to tropical islands or exotic rainforests. Some red tropical flowers may be available where you live. A reputable florist should be able to discuss which, if any, red tropical flowers grow near you.

Decorating with tropical red flowers can be a very good way to make a bold statement using few large flowers. Red is so vibrant, so visible that you may be able to decorate from a less is more standpoint. The impact of red tropical flowers is dramatic and overdoing it with too many of these flowers can be too much for the eye. Finding the red tropical flowers to suit your style and taste just takes a little browsing and meandering through florist shops, online and in person

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Blue Flowers Add Style And Color To Any Garden

Blue flowers are some of the most striking plants around and can add a rich splash of color to any garden. Plant them in a cluster of all blue or mix them in with other flowers for a rainbow of color.

When planting flowers, it is important to remember to follow the instructions on the tag for the plant. Always buy plants that will thrive in the conditions in which you intend to grow them. A plant that loves sun will not do well in a shady area and you will only be disappointed with the results.

When planning your garden, be aware of the bloom time of the flowers. Planting perennials with different bloom times near each other will insure a garden that has blooms all season long. Remember also to plan for the height of the plants, putting the taller ones in the back.

Consider the flowers on the list below for your garden.

Polemonuim aka Blue Pearl - A compact plant with deep sky blue flowers that grows to 10. It blooms in late spring to early summer. Plant in partial shade and in well drained soil.

Blue Sea Holly - This dramatic plant has a lavender blue cone like flower with long spiked petals. It grows to 30 and is a favorite for dried flower arrangements. Plant in full sun - blooms in mid to late summer.

Delphinium aka Butterfly Blue - Bright blue delicate flowers adorn a plant that blooms in early to mid summer. It reaches 10 tall and prefers a sunny location with rich moist soil.

Campanula aka Blue Carpet - Bright blue to lilac colored flowers bloom for weeks in the middle of summer. This low growing perennial grows to 4 and prefers full sun with well-drained soil.

Penstemon aka Blue Buckle - This plant has tubular shaped blooms in blue to purple and flowers in mid summer to early fall. It grows to 15 and likes well-drained soil with full or partial sun.

Hydrangea aka Nikko Blue - Gigantic clumps of blue flowers adorn this shrub for most of the summer. In the fall, the flowers turn a golden color. This plant is a new variety that prefers rich soil but will grow in shade, partial sun, or full sun.

Vinca - Medium blue flowers and glossy green leaves form a carpet that grows to about 6 tall and blooms in mid spring. This plant will grow in most soil conditions, in the shade or sun.

Ajuga aka Bronze Beauty - This short bushy plant has spikes of blue flowers that grows quickly. Great as a ground cover or in raised beds. It blooms in spring and prefers a shady area.

Scabiosa aka Butterfly Blue - A bushy perennial with lavender blue flowers that bloom from June to October. This plant likes full sun and attracts butterflies and hummingbirds.

Verbena aka Babylon Blue - Blue purple flowers petals adorn a plant that blooms in early spring. Great for window boxes and planters.

By: David Chandler

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